Thursday, July 7, 2011

Yes, I'm Still Here

It's been awhile....we've been busy getting Book Hounds PLUS set up on the island and adjusting to island life. I was looking for posts I'd done on music because I was thinking of writing an article on how much we loved going to Sparky's for the Woodshed and I remembered how much I loved writing this why not do it again?

The summer tourists are flooding the island and the bookstore. We seem to be the few who love this. Some of the other merchants they not understand who helps to pay their bills? We love to find out where folks are from, what they've been doing, etc.

A few days ago three folks came in who had lived in our house as young children. I gave them a tour of the store and of our apartment upstairs as they related stories of spying on people walking on the sidewalks to the Fireman's Carnival (we do that now, too) and how they had a grand piano where our cash register counter sits. It was a delightful trip down memory lane for them and I loved hearing their stories. This morning's mail brought a thank you card from one of the women.

This island is magical and we continue to enjoy it, even though the kayaks we bought sit in the back yard more than on the water. Maybe Monday we'll get a ride. That's MY kayak up on the car. Hubby's is lime green.

This weekend Melissa Clark, a musician friend from Hamilton, NY, is coming down and playing in the bookstore. We are looking forward to that.

Check back. I am hoping to write more here, let you know what it's like to run a used bookstore. It's really more fun than you can imagine, especially on this island of sun and salt.

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