Four of these doll heads -- two Barbies and two Bratz -- sit on the bookcase directly behind my desk. My office is set up in true Gemini fashion: half for writing, half for knitting. When I am writing, these four heads are directly behind me.
OK, I have to admit it.....I find myself talking to them during the day. I haven't actually named them yet. And, no, Denise....they've yet to talk back. I'll let you know when that day comes.
Yesterday I was showing someone I used to work with around the apartment. I pointed to the heads and said, "These lovely ladies are my new staff." She laughed, but I was almost serious. They are the perfect employees: never show up late, leave early or call in sick; never talk back or rebel at any hair brained idea I have; always smile at me; never ask for a raise or feel the need to discuss at length a personal problem I'd rather not even hear.
Seems as if there might be a TV sitcom in the making.....
Hey, I love your banner! It is sooo funny to think of you owning anything Barbie or Bratz!
Have a great day
well, I raised a couple of brats, does that count?
thanks for reading!
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