Friday, January 16, 2009

So Long, Farewell......

OK, you knew I'd have to say something....

I didn't even know Bush would be giving a farewell speech....I mean, really, haven't we suffered enough? I wanted to watch Gil Grissom leave the CSI series, one of the few things I sometimes watch on television (or rather, one of the few things I knit to while hubby watches on tv)...and then there George was, patting himself on the back...well, his arms aren't really that long.

Honestly, I had to leave the room and make nachos. I couldn't watch it. And I realized that I didn't have to watch it. He enraged me early into it by trying to remind everyone how we all "liked" him after 9/ dare he?

I am so hopeful that I no longer need to be embarrassed by the words and actions of my country's leader in four more days.


garnett109 said...

I agree with you totally!

Sunny said...

yet an AOL poll this morning showed 51% of folks LIKED his speech? what planet do they live on?