Wednesday, June 24, 2009


My friend Denise Hayden has had her poem “On Call” selected as “Editor’s Choice” in the 2009 Allen Ginsberg Poetry competition. I am so proud of her! It’s an amazing poem written about the days she was volunteering as a rape crisis counselor…..she should get an award just for saying she’d volunteer for doing that, much less writing a poem about it. She’ll be reading her poem at a reading in Paterson, New Jersey in November. I can’t wait to go.

And thanks to all of you who voted for Allegra Barley who has made it to the final EIGHT in the San Diego Fair Musicalooza contest! She now competes in a live contest at the Fair and I am so wishing we could make it out there to cheer her on! I’m asking you to keep your fingers and toes crossed or do whatever voodoo you know to wish her success. Allegra is in a good place at the moment, completely living life as she wants…..she’s been able to give up her day job and support herself through her music! I’m so happy for her!

Mark Zane didn’t win a Sammy Award….but at least they were smart enough to nominate him! I can’t stop playing his “American Hunger” CD. These songs are multi-layered. The song I liked least on the CD – a song about domestic violence called “See Spot Run” – has now become my favorite. Each time I listen to it, there’s something I missed hearing the first time. It’s become a treasured part of my day in the woods. And even though he didn’t win a Sammy, Mark did “win” the heart of the lovely Alice and will be getting married on Saturday. We are honored to be attending the wedding and wish Mark and Alice many happy years together.

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