Friday, October 24, 2008

Dear Denise,

Just when I was wondering if there was light at the end of the current tunnel, there you were, at my door: your healing hugs, your dazzling smile, you.

What a delightful couple of days it has been, catching up and talking, talking, talking. And being able to spend time with your girls, too! Suddenly they are young ladies, so beautiful, inside and out. Both Chris and I enjoyed their company.

You should know that Rupert is in the midst of a major pout on the Barcalounger. He's burrowed beneath the quilt you used, and anytime I walk by he gives me his "mean" if I made you leave. I know how he feels. It's alittle sad not to have you here still.

Thanks for making the trip up. I'm just realizing this moment how terribly I needed a slice of you. Thank Michael for me, too. I know there's an expense involved and he probably doesn't like not having you around, and I appreciate his understanding. We sure missed him!

Here's hoping your trip back south.....where you won't need those boots you had to buy up uneventful and brings you home to sunshine. I miss you already.

Love, Robin


garnett109 said...

I hate when friends leave

Denise said...

I am still there.. just ask Rupert- he can smell me...